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Allegra Cruises

Pursuant to Article 56 of the Law on Tourism (“Official Gazette of The Republic of Serbia” No. 36/2009, 88/2010, 99/2011 - other Law 93/2012 and 84/2015), Director of Travel Agency ALLEGRA KRSTARENJA d.o.o. Bar - Branch Office of ALLEGRA KRSTARENJA Beograd, license no. OTP-58/2015 (hereinafter referred to as Organizer), on 25 January 2017 shall established the following


These general conditions are available to passengers on the website of the Organizer www.allegra-krstarenja.com, at the seat of the Organizer, as well as at sale points of tourist agencies with which the Organizer has concluded Agency agreements or Sub agency Agreements. The passenger is required prior to the conclusion of the travel agreement / confirmation to read previously and study the text of the General Travel Conditions and by its signature shall confirm that the same has been delivered to him prior to the conclusion of the agreement in a single copy, that it is familiar with the contents of the same, and shall fully accept them.

The provisions of these General Conditions shall form an integral part of travel agreement / confirmation (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) between the passenger and Travel Agency ALLEGRA KRSTARENJA, d.o.o., Beograd - Branch Office “ALLEGRA KRSTARENJA Beograd”, as the Organizer and they are binding for both Contracting Parties, except the provisions defined by a written agreement or travel Program (hereinafter referred to as Program).


The passenger can apply for travel at the seat of the Organizer and with the agencies with which it has concluded the Agency agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Agent). When the Agent does not specify in the travel Program of the Organizer and in the Agreement the status of the Agent, it is responsible for the execution of the Program as a Travel Organizer. Registration shall take effect when confirmed with the conclusion of a written agreement. The agreement may be concluded both in a durable medium track and in an electronic form, with a mandatory advance payment in the amount of at least 50% of the arrangement price. The rest of the agreed price, unless otherwise agreed, will be paid 10 days before departure. If the passenger, fails in deadline to make payment in full, it is considered that he unilaterally canceled the travel, where the Organizer has the right to withhold the amount in accordance with the scale cancellation of Article 10 of the General Conditions, namely to claim from the passenger the difference in price if he until the day that is considered the day of termination of the agreement paid to the Organizer a lesser amount than the amount belonging to the Organizer because of unilateral termination, in accordance with the scale 10 of the General Conditions. In the event that the Passenger paid tourist travel through an Agent, if it does not perform a full payment 15 days before the travel, the agreement is considered to be unilaterally terminated by the Passenger. Each advance payment shall be kept as payment for all passengers, not just for one particular passenger from the Agreement.

The Passenger by concluding the agreement shall confirm that he has received the Program, which in addition to these General Conditions shall become an integral part thereof. The agreement shall be binding for the Organizer and cannot be changed, unless the Contracting Parties expressly otherwise agreed or if changes occur due to Force Majeure.

The Organizer is obliged, prior to the conclusion of the agreement, to inform the Passenger of any data change from the Program in writing or on a durable medium track (permanent medium). If the reservation is made by means of distance communication, the Organizer has the obligation to inform the Passenger in the same way that he booked the travel on data change from the Program, and the Passenger is required to declare within 48 hours of receiving notification of change on whether it accepts the offer or not and to cancel the reservation.

One Passenger may conclude the agreement for more than one person, with the obligation for the Passenger the signatory of the agreement, at the time of the conclusion of the agreement, to submit to the Organizer the passports of other passengers for inspection, what is, upon payment of the package price / prepayment and entering the number of their passports in the agreement considered that the other passengers agree with the conclusion of the same. This agreement, together with all the consequences arising (cancellation of the agreement, cancellation of travel, advance payment, i.e. the remaining part of the arrangement, etc.), apply to all passengers listed in the agreement, and in particular the fact that they are familiar with the Program and these General Conditions.


In its operations, the Organizer is obliged to comply with due diligence. Obligations of the Organizer are: to conclude the agreement with the Passenger, to deliver the Program and these General Conditions to the Passenger, and to inform him about the offer of possible forms of travel insurance - (hereinafter referred to as travel insurance package); to pay proportional real difference between the agreed price and the price of the travel reduced in proportion to the non-execution or the incomplete execution of the service (hereinafter referred to as the price reduction) on the occasion of a duly established and justified complaint of the Passenger in accordance with the law and these General Conditions unless the omissions in the execution of the program was created by: fault of the Passenger or attributable to a third party that was not contracted direct service provider in the implementation of the Program, force majeure or unforeseeable events on which the Organizer has no influence and whose consequences are inevitable despite the implementation of due diligence or by other events that the Organizer could not foresee and overcome; that in accordance with good business practice in this area it takes care for the rights and interests of passengers; that before traveling it deliver to the Passenger the name, address and telephone number of the local representative, or local agency that is partner of the Organizer, or the name, address and telephone number of the Organizer; that it is not responsible for services provided to the Passenger by others outside the Program.

In case the booking and selling the travel arrangements are done remotely, the Organizer is obliged to conclude with the Passenger an agreement which shall in addition to the Program also include: special requirements of Passengers with which the Organizer has agreed; address, procedure and deadline for filing complaints of passengers, and the deadline for resolving complaints, the name and address of the Organizer, Passenger and insurer; date and place of conclusion of the agreement and the signatures of the Contracting Parties and the conditions under which the Passenger has the right to give up from the agreement and the name and address of the representative or the Agent, if the agreement was concluded through them.


Prior to the conclusion of the agreement to be thoroughly acquainted with delivered Program and these General Conditions as by his signature on the agreement he shall acknowledge it as a special contractual clause; to highlight and agree specific requirements not covered by the Program, get to know about the possibilities of concluding the agreement of all the possible optional forms of insurance; pay the agreed price under conditions, deadlines and in the manner prescribed by the agreement, these General Conditions and Program; submit timely to the Organizer accurate and complete information and documents necessary for organizing travel and to guarantee that he, his ID, luggage and other things fulfill the conditions set by our, transit and destination country regulations (border, customs, sanitary, monetary and other regulations) and by his own choice provide adequate travel insurance policies; to pay any damages caused to direct service providers or third parties in violation of laws and regulations and these General Conditions. To reimburse to the Organizer actual costs incurred by the replacement of Passenger and severally to bear the unpaid part of the price arrangements and the Program; to declare without delay, on the spot, justified complaint according to the rule in writing, toward the Organizer and direct service provider and to make with them and sign a Certificate of the same; Before the conclusion of the agreement to be informed via the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia (www.mfa.gov.rs) or otherwise on the countries of so-called high or moderate risk; to be informed at least 24 hours before but not earlier than 48 hours at authorized representative of the Organizer on the exact time of return.

The Passenger has the right to appoint another person to travel instead (provided that the person meets the requirements provided for specified travel).


Prices are denominated in foreign currencies and the calculation of the payment shall be made in the country in dinars by selling rate of the commercial bank of the Organizer on the payment date or according the rate specified in the travel Program. The prices are formed based on business policy of the Organizer and cannot be the subject of complaints - claims. Services performed abroad (outside of the travel Program) shall be paid on the spot to a foreign partner of the travel Organizer.

The price of the Program includes a combination of at least two or more of the following services of average quality common to a given destination as follows: transport, accommodation, food, preparation and organization of travel, with contracted unique price the Passenger shall pay (hereinafter referred to as the standard services), if something else is not defined or agreed upon by the Program.

Arrangement price does not include, unless something else is defined or agreed by the Program, the costs of: airport and port taxes, local tourist guide, a representative of the Organizer, tourist animator, optional programs, use of sun loungers and parasols, obtaining visas, entrance to the facilities and events, security of passengers and luggage service, room service, use the room bar, air conditioning, recreational, medical, telephone and other services, special seats in the means of transport, the cost of accommodation in a single room, rooms with special features (view, floor, size, balcony, etc.), additional meals and other things (hereinafter referred to as special services).

Conditions relating to the exercise of discount for children as well as other benefits which are provided in the Program are determined by direct service providers and the same should be interpreted restrictively (e.g. for children under two years of age, the relevant calendar date when the child reaches the age of two years in relation to the date of commencement of travel).

All types of services that are not provided in the Program the Passenger must specifically agree with the Organizer in writing. The Agent is not empowered to conclude on behalf of the Organizer or accept special services that are not provided in the Program.

The Organizer cannot be liable to the Passenger for optional and subsequently performed services, being carried out and paid by a foreign partner, i.e., a direct service provider, and they were not anticipated in the Program and agreed in writing. The Organizer is responsible only for the service descriptions contained in its Programs and is not responsible for the description of services in catalogs - publications or on web sites of the direct service providers, for example of hotels and so on, unless the Passenger is not specifically addressed to them.

If the Passenger requires a special service when traveling, outside the Program, the Passenger shall pay it on the spot to a representative of the foreign Agency in the currency of the country where he is located, and the Organizer is not responsible for the services the foreign Agency or direct service provider provide and charge for services that were neither foreseen by the Program nor covered by the Agreement.

Date of commencement and completion of travel determined by the Program does not include day care of passengers in the accommodation facility or destination. Time - hour of departure or arrival of passengers and entering passengers in the accommodation facility is caused with the procedures at border crossings, road conditions, permits of the competent authorities, technical and weather conditions or force majeure that may affect the timing of the flight, and other things on which the Organizer cannot influence, and therefore in these cases the Organizer is not responsible. The first and last day from the Program are planned for the journey and do not involve staying in a hotel or place of destination - but merely indicate the calendar day of the beginning and end of the travel, so the Organizer is not responsible for the evening, night or early morning flight, entering the room in the late evening, leaving the hotel in the early morning hours and the like.

For air arrangements agreed starting time of travel is meeting of passengers at the airport which is at least 2 hours earlier than the first published time of departure by the airline. In the case of changing the time of departure the Organizer bears no responsibility, but the national and international regulations in the field of air transport are applicable. As a rule, departure – arrival and takeoff - landing of aircraft at charter flights are in the late evening or early morning hours and if there is, for example, provided the agreed starting or ending meal in the form of so-called “cold meal” outside or in the accommodation facility, it is considered that the Program was fully realized.
Air or special transport tickets are valid only on their designated days.

Verbal and any other kind of information, which differ from those contained in the Program or a separate written agreement, do not bind the Organizer.


Accommodation facilities and units, means of transport and other services are described according to the official categorization of the Home country at the time of publication of the Program; they are different and not comparable to the destination, and not even within the same destination. There is listed the categorization of accommodation facilities in the Program at the time of conclusion of the agreement between the Organizer and foreign partners. Food, comfort and quality of service depend primarily on the price package, the chosen destination and categorization specified by local-national regulations and they are out of control and influence of the Organizer. All services listed in the Program include standard services (average quality standards, common and specific for certain destinations and places), for which it is necessary for Passenger to agree special services if he wants to or needs them.

Descriptions given in the Program relates only to accommodation facilities with accompanying amenities, and not on their wider environment. Some amenities in the Program may not be in operation bearing in mind the period of stay and other parameters (surrounding buildings, terrain configuration and the like).

Services of a tourist guide, tourist escort, local tourist guide and tourist animator or local representative of the Organizer planned by the Program do not include their all day and continuous presence, but only contact and necessary help to the Passenger at predetermined periods of periodic on-call published on the bulletin board or other suitable way. Instructions and guidelines of tourist guide, tourist escort or representative of the Organizer (in particular in relation to the time of departure, transportation, accommodation, legal and other regulations, etc.) are bind for the Passenger and a failure to comply with the above mentioned instructions is a violation of these General Conditions and all possible consequences and damage in such case are fully borne by the Passenger.


Layout of rooms / suites in a hotel is defined by the reception desk of the same. Hotels can be composed of several identical or different accommodation facilities and units. If the passenger had not specifically arranged accommodation of special features, he will accept any officially registered accommodation unit in the accommodation facility described in the Program, regardless of the characteristics of the Passenger, the location and position of the facility, number of floors, the proximity of noise, parking and other conditions. If 5 days before the agreed date of commencement of the tourist travel the Organizer finds it is forced to modify certain important provisions of the agreement - the type, location, category or level of comfort of accommodation, it is required without delay to inform the Passenger about change in writing or on a durable medium track (permanent medium) which is easily accessible to the consumer. The Passenger may, within 2 days of receiving notification of the amendments to the agreement to accept changes to the agreement or to terminate the agreement with the refund of the paid price, and is obliged immediately to inform the Organizer about it in a way he made booking.

After the commencement of the tourist travel the arranged accommodation can be without the consent of the Passenger replaced in the facility of the same or higher category in the agreed place of accommodation at the expense of the Organizer, and the accommodation in the facilities of lower categories can be made with the consent of Passenger and refund the difference in price in proportion to the reduced category of the accommodation facility.

The Passenger undertakes to know and respect the rules of conduct in the accommodation facility in particular on: depositing and keeping money, valuables and valuable things, food and drinks in the rooms, respecting the order, accommodation and leaving the room at a certain time, the number of people in the room and others. Unless otherwise agreed, the accommodation of the Passenger in the facility at the earliest after 4.00 PM on the day of service, and leave the facility latest by 09.00 AM on the day of completion of service. The Passenger is not entitled to a refund because of the arbitrary, i.e. premature abandonment of the accommodation facility caused by his fault, neither of the prices of hotel service, nor of the price of transport.

Unless otherwise agreed, triple and quadruple accommodation units (rooms, studios, apartments and the like) are as a rule, on the basis of a standard double room with one, or two additional beds, which are generally wooden or metal structures on the bed and that can aggravate quality of accommodation, in accordance with the categorization and regulations of the home country.

As a rule, tap water not intended for drinking, but the same is, regardless of its possible different composition, smell and taste or eventual salinity, considered bacteriological and chemical clean for all other purposes.

The functioning of air conditioners in the accommodation units varies by destination and facilities and does not involve continuous operation of the same 24 hours.

Except for intent and gross irresponsibility the Organizer has no responsibility for items that are not normally carried with. Therefore, the passengers are not recommended to carry valuables with themselves on the travel and otherwise, the Passenger is advised to submit the same duly for safekeeping.

The organizer is not responsible to the passenger for damage caused by his failure to comply with regulations, prescribed by the rules and practices established by the carrier, hotel and other direct service providers.

Variety, quality of food and nutrition services, depends mainly on the height of the package price, facility category, destination and local customs regardless of whether it is on the principle of self-serving or serving (menu). Service ALL INCLUSIVE or ALL INC. LIGHT and any other service include services at the hotel's internal rules and may not be identical even in the same category at the same destination. Breakfast, unless otherwise indicated in the travel Program, includes continental breakfast. If the occupancy rate in hotels is below 30%, the hotel has the right to serve a self-service instead of a la carte service - serving.

Transfer services and transport of passengers means the standard quality by the applicable regulations of the country where the service is implemented and enforced regulations, principles and rules set by the carrier (e.g. transport in any means of transportation does not include numbered seats, nor included meals and drinks during the travel, unless this is specifically agreed, etc.).

Inconsistency of personal data provided to the Organizer with the data in the passport (names of passengers, etc.) may result in printing of new air ticket, with costs or even in declaration of ticket irregular for what the consequences are borne by the Passenger. The Passenger is responsible for his ticket from the moment when it is delivered to him at the airport or at the agency. There is no possibility of issuing duplicate air ticket, as well as boarding pass. The Passenger shall fully bear the consequences of their loss or disappearance during the travel.

The Passenger has the obligation of exemplary behavior in the means of transportation (if under the influence of alcohol, drugs or inappropriate behavior - the Organizer has the right not to accept for transportation or in the presence of the police remove him from the means of transportation and further transport to the destination will not be the responsibility of the agency, and if the Passenger does not come to the hotel because of the removal from the means of transportation, the scale of cancellation of Article 10 will apply. Smoking, consuming narcotics and alcohol is forbidden in the means of transportation. The Passenger must not disturb with his behavior, officials in the bus - drivers and guides, otherwise he will be immediately remove from the means of transportation. The road direction, pause, place and length of their duration are determined by a guide - driver. The guide - driver is entitled, due to unavoidable circumstances, to change the timetable, itinerary, or the order of visits to the site. The Passenger is obliged to accept each offered place in the means of transportation. Transfer of luggage from the parking lots to the accommodation unit is the responsibility of the Passenger (transport will be as close as possible to the accommodation). If the transfer of luggage from the parking lot to the hotel is organized by the hotel, the Organizer is not responsible for luggage loss or damage. For the forgotten things on the bus, the Agency is not responsible. Passenger’s duty is to clearly mark his luggage with personal data, and not to leave personal staff and values in the bus (the Agency is not responsible for their disappearance). The Agency has the right for the purpose of transport to engage all types of tourist buses that meet the requirements set forth by the comfort of the buses (mini bus, bus or double decker) without informing passengers on the type of bus. While driving in buses the toilet are not in use, unless it is approved. The Passenger is obliged to reimburse all the damage in the vehicle and accommodation facility on the spot.

Transport of passengers by rail, sea, and river or lake means of transportation is provided, and a direct responsibility of these carriers was determined in accordance with regulations governing the transport of mentioned kinds.


All the conditions published in the Program refer exclusively to the citizens with passport of the Republic of Serbia. It is the responsibility of the Passenger to inform the Organizer if he will travel with a foreign passport; otherwise, he is required to get individually to know with a competent consulate with visa, customs, health and other conditions which apply to the destination or transit country, as well as to provide all documents in a timely and orderly manner. The Passenger to travel abroad must have a valid passport with a validity of at least 6 months from the date of completion of travel and deliver to the Organizer correct and complete necessary information and documents for the visa, unless the same is obtained by the Organizer. Officer of the Organizer’s Agency or the Agent is not empowered to determine the validity of passport and other papers and documents. When the Organizer mediates in the process of submitting documentation it does not guarantee a visa or obtaining visa in time and does not bear any responsibility for malfunction of travel and other documents or if the border authorities or immigration officials refuse entry, transit or further stay to the Passenger. If the Passenger during the journey loses travel documents or they are stolen from him, he is obliged at his own expense promptly to provide new and bear all possible harmful effects on that basis.

The Passenger is obliged to arrange special services related to his health (specific feeding, accommodation characteristics, etc.). To travel to the country in which there are special rules that include mandatory vaccination and procurement of certain documents, the obligations of the Passengers is to make the necessary vaccinations and provide adequate confirmation of this and in case of any consequences to bear solely responsibility for the damage.

The Passenger is obliged to strictly respect the customs, foreign exchange and other regulations of the Republic of Serbia, of transit countries and countries of stay and in case of inability to travel or stay and everything else, all consequences and costs shall be borne by the Passenger.

If the travel cannot be realized because of the failure of the Passenger in relation to the provisions of this Item, the provisions of Item 10 of these General Conditions shall be applied.


The Organizer is obliged to inform Passenger of any significant Program changes in a way the agreement was concluded, no later than 5 days before the travel, and the Passenger has a deadline of 48 hours from the receipt of the notification about cancellation to respond to the Organizer if he accepts the same. Acceptance of new offer can be made also through the made payment of the agreed price.

In case of acceptance of the new offer, the passenger has the right to proportional price reduction if the new offer is higher than originally agreed, or is required to pay the difference in price between the original and the new offer, if the offer is more expensive than originally agreed.

If he does not accept any alternative offered by the Organizer, the Passenger has the right to a refund of the paid price.

The Organizer has the right to cancel the travel in case of: insufficient number of passengers, provided that the Passenger is informed about it at least 5 days before the commencement of tourist travel; termination of the agreement because of inability to fulfill contractual obligations which are not the responsibility of the Contracting Parties, which would if existed at the time of publication of the Program be legitimate reason for the Organizer not to publish the Program and not to conclude the agreement, with obligation to refund the Passenger the payments already made no later than 15 days from the date of cancellation.

If in the Program is not specifically stated, if the travel is to be realized a minimum number of passengers should be: 30 passengers to travel by bus, 20 passengers to travel on regular air routes in Europe, 15 passengers to travel on intercontinental air routes, for travel on especially agreed airline charter lines and trains or hydrofoils at least 80% occupancy.

The Organizer during the travel, which is required without delay in the most appropriate way to inform the Passenger, shall retain the right to change the date or hour of travel, as well as the right to change the route of travel and necessary changes to the Program if conditions change for the travel (changed timetable, emergency landing, failure of the means of transportation, the crowd at the borders or in traffic, the closure of any of the sites planned for the tour, the changes in the visa regime, the security situation, natural disasters or other extraordinary and objective circumstances and force majeure), without the obligation to pay damages or any other compensation to the Passenger. In these cases the Organizer shall bear the costs of any additional changes to the travel Program. If the commenced travel for justified reasons terminates, the Organizer is entitled to compensation for actual services rendered.

The Organizer is released from the fulfillment of the agreement if the Passenger within the group travel hinders the realization of travel due to gross misconduct and, regardless of the sentence warning. In this case the Passenger is obliged to compensate the Organizer any damage caused.

In the event of extraordinary circumstances, which in advance could not be foreseen and which can be subsumed under a force majeure (terrorist attacks, emergency, explosion, infection, epidemics and other diseases, natural disasters, climatic conditions, etc.), both Parties have right to terminate the agreement, where the Organizer is entitled to actual and committed costs. If the Passenger despite a secured evacuation or order of the competent authorities of the Republic of Serbia, still wants to continue the journey, he is obliged to pass a draw and sign a written document that he was informed that he could be returned to Serbia, he was aware of the possible consequences of the stay and the fact that his travel Organizer will not be able to provide soonest return in case of a later change in the situation in the country of travel.


The Passenger has right to give up from the travel, about which is required to inform the Organizer in writing. The date of the written cancellation of the agreement is the basis for the calculation of compensation for the Organizer, expressed as percentage of the total cost of travel, if in the Program it is not otherwise specified as follows:

If the travel is canceled 91 days before departure or earlier (timely cancellation) - the amount of administrative costs amount to at least EUR 60.00 converted in dinars.
25% if the travel is canceled 90-61 days before departure,
40% if it is canceled 60 to 53 days before departure,
60% if it is canceled 52 to 36 days before departure,
80% if it is canceled 35 to 16 days before departure,
100% if it is canceled 15 to 0 days before departure or during the travel.

Any change of name is charged in the amount of 50.00 EUR per person.

Changing the agreed place and date of travel, accommodation facility, accommodation units, failure to obtain a visa, etc., shall be deemed as giving up from travel by the Passenger.

The Passenger is obliged to reimburse to the Organizer only the actual, or the costs incurred if the cancellation happened due to: sudden illness of the Passenger, spouse, child, parent, sibling passengers, adoptees and adoptive parents, death of the Passenger, spouse, child, parent, sibling passengers, adoptees and adoptive parents and calls for a military exercise of Passenger or natural disaster officially declared. In these cases, the Passenger is liable to submit to the Organizer evidence on eligibility for health insurance on the basis of temporary inability to work (confirmation of an elective physician in the field of general medicine or discharge paper from Stationary Health facilities) or death certificate, or call for a military exercise. The Organizer cannot consider as justified reasons for the cancellation or interruption of travel the cases of local terrorist attacks, explosions, infection, epidemics and other diseases, natural disasters, climatic conditions, etc., for which no state of emergency declared by the competent national authorities of the destination country.

Sudden illness means by the elective physician determined and sudden and unpredictable disease, or an infectious disease or an organic disorder, which is generated after the conclusion of the travel and is not related to, nor it is the result of a previous health status, and is of such a nature that requires treatment, stay at hospital (hospitalization) and prevents the start of the agreed travel. The Organizer, in the event that the Passenger who gave up provides a suitable replacement or the Organizer itself does the change, is obliged to refund the Passenger paid funds in the total amount, after deduction of the only real and actual expenses.

In the event that the Passenger concluded an Agreement on insurance from travel cancellation with Insurance Company, he shall exercise his right directly by the Insurance Company, in which case the provisions of the General Conditions of insurance of insurer shall be applied.

When giving up from the agreement, the Passenger will not be refunded the amount paid to the Organizer for mediation in obtaining visas and the amount paid for insurance.


Transport of luggage up to a certain weight defined by the airline is free. Excess luggage will be charged according to the current prices of airline. Transport of special luggage from airport to hotel and back is only a matter of tourists themselves. It is recommended for gold, valuables, technical equipment and medicines to be carried only in hand luggage.

In transport by bus the Passenger can carry 2 pieces of luggage. Children under two years are not entitled to free luggage. The Passenger is obliged to take care of his stuff entered in a mean of transportation, on giving or taking luggage given to the carrier, or entered into the accommodation facility. All rights as to the above, the Passenger shall realize directly from carrier, provider of accommodation services or insurance, according to the current international and domestic regulations.

There are applied special safety rules at all airports for hand luggage, thus we recommend the Passenger for further information to be informed at the airport Nikola Tesla in Belgrade, via phone 011 / 209- 4444 or website: www.beg.aero.

Except for intent and gross negligence the Organizer has no responsibility for luggage and items that are not normally carried with, except when he took the items for safekeeping. Therefore, the passengers are not recommended to carry valuables with themselves on travel and otherwise, the Passenger is advised to submit the same duly for safekeeping.

The Passenger is obliged to report the loss, damage or loss of baggage to a local representative of the Organizer or the foreign partner. If the Passenger by his fault fails to report defects, he loses the right to compensation and further claims related to the failure.


According to the provisions of the Law on Tourism the Organizer has provided travel guarantee - an insurance policy in case of insolvency and liability for damages number 30000001248 issued by the “MILENIJUM OSIGURANJE” a.d.o., Belgrade, Blvd. Mihajlo Pupin 10L.

In the event of the insolvency of the travel Organizer, there are provided:
costs of emergency accommodation, meals and return of passengers from travel in the country or abroad, in the place of departure;
receivables of funds paid by passengers based on the agreement on tourist travel, which the travel Organizer did not realize;
receivables of funds paid by passenger in the event of travel cancellation by the passengers, according to the general travel conditions;
receivables of the difference between the funds paid under the agreement on tourist travel and funds reduced in proportion to the non-execution or incomplete execution of the services covered by the travel Program.

Insolvency is the inability to pay due debts in the amount and on the maturity date, which includes financial blockade of the travel Organizer, as well as the inability to settle obligations of the travel Organizer when the amount of the obligation exceeds the amount of its assets in accounts with banks.

If an insured event occurs, the passengers who find themselves traveling should in the fastest way to contact the insurer “MILENIJUM OSIGURANJE” a.d.o., Belgrade via telephone number +381 11 7152329. It is necessary that Passenger specify number of the agreement, place of travel, accommodation facility name, names of passengers, address or phone number through which he can be contacted.

If the insured event occurs prior to the start of the agreed tourist travel, the passengers are required after becoming aware of the insolvency of the Organizer, to submit the appropriate request to the insurer via the following address: “MILENIJUM OSIGURANJE” a.d.o., Belgrade, Blvd. Mihajlo Pupin 10L.

Present policy shall provide compensation caused to the Passenger by failure in fulfillment, partial fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the Organizer’s obligations, which are determined by the General Conditions and Travel Program and as follows:
for receivables of funds paid by passengers based on the on the agreement on tourist travel, which the travel Organizes did not realize; and
for receivables of the difference between the funds paid under the agreement on tourist travel and funds reduced in proportion to the non-execution or incomplete execution of the services covered by the Travel Program

For damage compensation the passengers exercise their rights on the basis of final and enforceable court decision, legally binding and enforceable arbitration decision, decision based on completed extrajudicial consumer dispute or court or amicable settlement.


The cost of travel shall not include travel insurance. The Organizer advises the conclusion of insurance for travel cancellation, travel liability insurance, health insurance and insurance against accidents. If the Organizer and Agent offer travel insurance, it is just about the intermediation. The insurance agreement is concluded only between a Passenger and Insurance company, to which possible requirements are directly sent. You should read the insurance conditions and obligations under the insurance agreement. Insurance premiums are not an integral part of the price of travel and are due immediately upon conclusion of the insurance agreement. By signing the agreement the Passenger shall confirm that he has been informed and instructed on providing travel insurance package. The travel insurance package does not cover compulsory health insurance, and the Passenger is recommended to provide the same by himself, because that may be the reason that the border authorities do not permit further travel or the Passenger himself has to pay significant costs of possible treatment.


The Passenger is obliged to promptly on the spot communicate justified complaint to the local representative of the Organizer, and if it is not available or is absent, to direct service provider (e.g., airline, hotel, etc.), or directly to the Organizer and to cooperate in good faith to eliminate causes of complaints and accept offered solution corresponding to the agreed service.

For assistance, emergency and other cases the Passenger can contact us via telephone number +381 63 641838 or fax number +381 11 4091948, Monday to Friday from 09:00 AM to 08:00 PM CET, Saturday from 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM Central European Time or by email: allegra.srb@gmail.com and at our address: Belgrade, Obilićev venac 18-20, City Passage.

It is necessary for Passenger to indicate number of the agreement, travel place, accommodation facility name, the names of passengers, address or phone number through which he can be contacted.

The Passenger is obliged to cooperate in good faith; and the travel Organizer is obliged within a reasonable time, which depends on each individual case, to eliminate the justified complaint (e.g. refrigerator malfunction, power or water outages, badly cleaned apartment, etc.).

If the cause of the complaint is not resolved on the spot, the Passenger shall draft with a representative of the Organizers or service provider on the site a Certificate signed by both of them. The Passenger retains one copy of this Certificate. If the cause of complaints is resolved on the spot, the Passenger is required to sign a confirmation of the same, or otherwise the fact that he continues to use the offered solutions is considered that the Program is fully realized.

If the deficiencies are not eliminated on the spot, the Passenger is obliged within 8 days after the agreed date of completion of travel, or within 30 days of the established deficiency, to submit to the Organizers, the local representative of the Organizer or local tourist agency justified and documented complaint (Certificate of complaint on the spot, bills of paid expenses, demand for the types of services unexecuted factually specified and quantified in relation to each Passenger individually and other evidence) and request a refund of the price difference. Every Passenger signatory of the agreement in his own name and in the name of the person under the agreement or person with proper powers of attorney shall file the complaint separately because the Organizer will not consider group complaints.

It is desirable that the Passenger submit the complaint in writing to the address of the Organizer in Belgrade, Obilicev venac 18-20, Citty passage, or by fax number +381 11 4091948. The Passenger may declare a complaint verbally in the seat of the Organizer or by phone +381 11 11 4091948, electronically via e-mail address allegra.srb@gmail.com, or on a durable medium track with the submission of documentation evidencing the merits of the complaint.

The seller is obliged to issue a written confirmation to the consumer or electronically acknowledge the receipt of complaint, or disclose the number under which it filed his complaint in the records of received complaints.

The Organizer is obliged to take into consideration only timely, reasoned and documented complaints, which cause could not be solved during the travel on the spot.

The Passenger shall lose the right to proportional price reduction and compensation if untimely, negligently and in the prescribed manner fails to tell the Organizer the differences between provided and agreed services, unless the failure cannot be charged to the Passenger.

The Organizer is obliged to provide the Passenger a written response to the complaint within 8 days of receiving complaints of the Passenger or within 15 days of the delivery of timely and well-founded complaints to pay the Passenger the difference in price on behalf of nonperformed, inadequately or partially performed services.

If the complaint is not complete and the same should be regulated, the Organizer will deliver its reply to the Passenger to arrange the same within the deadline under the threat of failure.

The Organizer shall, in accordance with good business practices, within the legal deadline, answer the Passenger also for complaints which are untimely, groundless or messy.

Price reduction on the complaint of the Passenger may reach only the amount of complaints and unexecuted part of services, and cannot include already used services, nor reach the amount of total Program price.

The Passenger and the Organizer agree to try to resolve all possible disputes by mutual agreement, otherwise they will be responsible for the actual jurisdiction of the court in Belgrade, in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Tourism, the Law on Obligations, the Law on Consumer Protection and the General Travel Conditions of the Organizer.


For individual “reservations on demand” the Passenger puts down on the costs of the reservation a deposit which may not be less than EUR 50.00 converted in dinars by selling rate of commercial bank of the Organizer. If the reservation is accepted by the Passenger, the deposit shall be included in the package price. If the Organizer does not assert reservation within the stipulated period, the deposit is fully refunded to the Passenger. If the Passenger does not accept the offered or confirmed reservation, which is in full compliance with the requirements of Passenger, the Organizer shall keep the amount of the deposit in full.


Passenger’s personal data, which the same shall give voluntarily, are confidential for the Organizer. The Passenger agrees that the Organizer can use personal data for the realization of the agreed travel Program, where it cannot disclose address, city, time and cost of travel and the names of fellow passengers to other persons, except to persons designated by special regulations.


The Organizer may predict more favorable provisions for the Passenger in relation to these conditions by Travel Program or special general conditions, and in exceptional cases (for the organization of sports, congress and similar international events and special forms of tourism - school, hunting and fishing, extreme sports etc.) may predict also more unfavorable conditions for the Passenger in terms of the deadlines and the amount of compensation for travel cancellation and the amount and timing of payment and the like.

These General Conditions are valid from 25 January 2017 when cease to apply the General Conditions set forth on 27 April 2016.


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